Name: Doctor Who Companions
Created: Late 2012 with more added each season.
Swap: none
Rose Tyler Amy Pond Donna Noble
Mickey Smith Rory Williams Wilfred Mott
It would only take a quick glance at my profile to notice that I have dozens of Doctor Who LTC's. I have several themed series and will dedicate one week each month to Doctor Who cards.
This first set is the Companions. I wanted to plant a Doctor Who series and first picked all 11 (now 13) 'Faces' but I had many stamps donated and I only needed to carve about half. With the Companions I carved all of them myself and made cards.
This is the first group of companions that I carved. Once I saw how well they came out I carved the others.
The stamps ready to carve. This is the second step in making LTC's. (After finding an image)